Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Manifest Destiny Forgotten

Sent September 21, 1988
The postcard came from Pineville, NC

My message: Kennedy got a space flight center, Johnson got a library, Ford and Lincoln each got cars, Washington and Cleveland cities, Monroe a doctrine, Hoover a vacuum, Adams an apple, Garfield a cat, Carter a pill, and Nixon didn't go to jail. Polk gets a cow and a shack. Doesn't anyone remember and respect Manifest Destiny?

Monday, March 30, 2009

An Uncommon Loon

Sent September 19, 1988
Postcard from Manitowoc, WI

My message: This selection raises the question, if the Common Loon can walk on water, what must the Uncommon Loon be able to do? I mean, it took mankind's greatest religious figure to do this. We're talking about a feat! Maybe it's the loon's feet, a true feet feat. The Uncommon Loon must be able to not only part the Red Sea, but mousse and spike it as well.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Translating from Finnish

Sent October 12, 1990
The card is from Turku, Finland
A caption on the front read "Heinänuhan aikkan."

My message: Roughly translated, "Heinänuhan aikkan" means "I think I found the needle. Oops, sorry."

The Cranberry Harvest

Sent September 15, 1989
The card is from Cape Cod, MA

My message: When the toilet backed up, Cecil and the girls knew they had overdone the "Pigs-in-a-blanket" the night before.